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Free Wordpress CMS Plugins

Download free wordpress plugins to setup new affiliate websites in minutes.

Create new responsive affiliate projects and earn 100% commissions with monthly subscription model or 80% commission with revenue share model. Each plugin is fully compatible with RevGlue data sets and templates.

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Free WordPress plugins for affiliates.

Affiliates can download free WordPress CMS customised plugins to setup UK shopping directory, cashback, coupons, daily deals, price comparison, mobile comparison and broadband & tv affiliate projects.


Stores WordPress CMS Plugin

Stores WordPress CMS Plugin offers free template, fully customised plugin that is compatible with RevGlue data service to setup UK stores directory.


Discount Coupon WordPress CMS Plugin

Discount Coupons WordPress CMS Plugin offers free template, fully customised plugin that is compatible with RevGlue Coupons data set.


Cashback WordPress CMS Plugin

Cashback WordPress CMS Plugin offers free template, fully customised plugin that is compatible with RevGlue cashback data set.


Daily Deals WordPress CMS Plugin

Daily Deals WordPress CMS Plugin offers free template, fully customised plugin that is compatible with RevGlue Daily Deals data set.


Product Feeds WordPress CMS Plugin

Product Feeds WordPress CMS Plugin offers free template, fully customised plugin that is compatible with RevGlue product feeds data set.


Mobile Comparison WordPress CMS Plugin

Mobile Comparison WordPress CMS Plugin offers free template, fully customised plugin that is compatible with RevGlue mobile comparison data set.


Broadband, TV & Phone WordPress CMS Plugin

Broadband, TV & Phone WordPress CMS Plugin offers free template, fully customised plugin that is compatible with RevGlue broadband, tv & phone data set.

Create free account and start monetising today!

Create a Free Account

Create your free account and get instant access to all the affiliate modules. No credit or debit card information is required for registration. Just validate your email and get full access.

Pay monthly, with no contracts attached

Pay monthly for data and stats modules and cancel them any time. You are not bound to any contract. 100% satisfaction guaranteed with our services.

Data, WordPress plugins, templates or stats

Setup shopping directory, coupons, cashback, daily deals, broadband & TV, price comparison or mobile comparison websites with Free wordpress plugins that are fully compatible with RevGlue data sets. Download free responsive templates for responsive, great looking affiliate projects.

Earn 100% commissions

You'll earn 100% commission on each sale for the affiliate modules with your affiliate IDs. We don't take any cut from your commissions. You will get paid from the affiliate networks directly in your affiliate accounts.

Create a Free user account
and start monetising today.