Start your affiliate marketing business in ten easy steps | An infographic

Start your affiliate marketing business in ten easy steps | An infographic


1 - Obtain Basic Knowledge of Affiliate Marketing

If you are fairly new to affiliate marketing then spend some time to learn basics of affiliate marketing from the top affiliate marketing blogs, performanceIN reports, IAB website, blog, affiliate network Wiki sections and watch the videos on YouTube that are created by the affiliate networks to educate affiliates.


2 - Select a Niche Based on Your Interests

Find a niche that you find interesting to work on for your affiliate marketing project. It could be anything from a generic coupons website, cashback website or drill it down to a category or product level such as electronics, home and garden, fashion, beauty etc. There is no limit on what you can work on in affiliate marketing that ranges from any product or service and is being sold on the internet.


3 - Select Website Type For Your New Affiliate Marketing Project

After deciding your affiliate marketing project niche it would be easy for you to select if you require a content website like a blog, a price comparison website with product feeds, coupons website listing discounted products and offers or a cashback project. Try to find similar websites that can present you with ideas on what you should be setting up and it can keep your interests alive and could help you earn great commissions.


4 - Think of a creative domain that becomes your project brand

At this stage you should be able to think of a domain that represents your project. Keep it simple and easy to remember for your targeted user base. Choose one or two keywords to make a brand and use generic keywords to represent your website niche.


5 - Register with affiliate networks and choose e-commerce stores

It is time to register with the affiliate networks and start your research on finding the ecommerce stores with affiliate programs that are selling those products are services you wish to publish on your website. Make a list of these stores and understand the niche in more detail.


6 - Find right tools for data management, website development and hosting

It is important to find the right tools for data management, website design and development at this stage that can help you save time and money so you can jump to the next steps quickly. offers structured data sets for coupons, cashback, mobile comparison, product feeds, local deals and broadband comparison affiliate websites that you can subscribe for Free for the first 30 days and start using it in minutes. Download Free WordPress plugins to setup these websites instantly that are fully compatible with the RevGlue data sets.


7 - Start promoting your website

It is time now to segmenting your website potential users. Find the right channels to start promoting your website to the relevant users who will convert better for you. Put your marketing cap on and analyse the product or service that you have published on your affiliate website to understand who might be the highly converting users for you. Use age, gender, location, interests and other factors to setup your ads on search engine or social media channels to target only relevant users.


8 - Monitor each click and conversion on daily basis

With the right mix of marketing activities, your website will start converting and you will see commissions in your affiliate network panels. Stats module is offered free for a month that can aggregate all your sales and conversion data under one panel. Setup free version of Google analytics to understand your user behavior, trends and location.


9 - Optimise promotional campaigns

It is essential that your promotional campaigns are optimised on daily basis. It would be evident that some campaigns convert better on different channels such as same PPC campaign on similar channels may bring in different users at different cpc rates. Therefore you will be optimising the campaigns, keywords and your overall marketing strategy to get the best ROI on your campaigns.


10 - Work with the best converting stores

Finally some stores may convert better for you and you will need to concentrate on them to get the highest commissions. Your product or service based comparison affiliate website may also produce best results on limited offers or products. Get the right offer in front of your user is something you will learn slowly on your project once you start understanding the user behavior on clicks and conversions.



If you wish to save time and money on data management, website design and development then try RevEmbed module. Setup UK discount coupons, mobile comparison, broadband and price comparison websites on your domain in minutes. RevEmbed manages all the affiliate networks data and technology for you so you can concentrate on promoting your website and earn the highest commission.


Good Luck with your next affiliate project.


Start Affiliate Marketing Business in Ten Easy Steps.



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